Beyond the auditorium: The SHARE podcast is SHARE’s future-oriented podcast where we speak with alumni, inspiring people or active students.
Note: the podcast is in Dutch. |
Beyond the Auditorium: the SHARE podcast
Masters HEPL and HE
In this episode, Tobias and Isa are interviewed about their experience with the master's programs Health Economics, Policy and Law (HEPL) and Health Economics (HE).

Get to know Chipsoft in this podcast, where Katja interviews two of the company's employees! Have questions after listening? Feel free to send an email to

Get to know Timeff in this podcast, where Katja, together with Annelies, interviews two of the company's employees!

Exchange at ESHPM
In this episode, Katja talks to Carlinde and Yara about their experience as an exchange student. They will tell you all about their time in Australia and Finland!

Mental health edition Alycia Colijn
In this third episode we have a special mental health edition. Eva and Annelies had the pleasure to interview Alycia, who is behind the Instagram and TikTok selfdevelopmentjunkie. She will tell us all about mental health, therapy and her journey
Student advisor Dorine
In the second SHARE Your Future Eva and Zita had the pleasure to interview Dorine Veelders. Dorine has been a student advisor at ESHPM for a few months now. Prior to this, she held several jobs in career advice and coaching, In this podcast, she talks more about her own students days and career. She will also talk more about what student advise does exactly and what it is to work as a student advisor. If you need the student advisor, you can email them at
PhD student Gaia
In the first SHARE Your Future we had the pleasure to interview Gaia. Gaia has completed a bachelor’s degree at Leiden University and a master’s degree in Health Economics, Policy and Law at Erasmus University. She is currently doing a PhD here at ESHPM in the direction of Economics in Dementia. Gaia will tell us all about her student life, PhD and future prospects.
Are you curious about a PhD or do you have questions for Gaia? Send an email to